
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday's Week in Review - February 2011

Valentine's Day wrap up - this year I am trying to be more intentional with traditions that I want to do with my kids.  They are getting old enough to enjoy these things.  So below you will see some traditions I hope to keep!

Iman doing some fun activity sheets that Grandma MJ sent him

Our weekly indoor picnic lunch

By complete coincidence the men in my life all were wearing green plaid shirts to church - I mean I planned the younger two but the older one just happened to pick his out

Tradition one - making red colored sugar cookies with Miss M (or any of the boys too)

Tradition two - I put together Valentine's bags and cards and sneaked them into the kids room and put them in the corner of their beds so they found them when they woke up in the morning.

Tradition three - a heart themed food day beginning with pink tinted whole wheat pancakes in fun shapes and then heart shaped peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and heart shaped pizzas for dinner.


And Monday night we have been having over my friend Amanda whose husband is away and our friend Amy has joined us because she is husbandless on Monday nights too - it is beginning to be a club.  We pretty much just eat and play the Wii.  This week the adults played old school Mario (1 and 3 because everyone knows 2 was awful).  I'm not sure what the kids did:)

Oh yes brownie pizza

And I went to Iman's school for his Valentine's Day Party

This is his cute little teacher

And before Valentine's Day we went to Iman's Upwards basketball game.  It was so fun.  He made a basket and they had a fun freeze dance at half time.  They played music and when the music stopped the kids had to freeze in whatever dance pose they were in.  It was so cute.

We had a slight injury when the ball came down on his nose

Let the dancing begin

Oh wow

What form!
Oh it was a wonderful week, a week that, again, I am thankful for.  And, I will leave you with another picture of Miss M because she has this new thing where she likes to wear hair bows and headbands at the same time and she likes to do this pose with her hands under her chin.

Have a blessed week!

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