
Monday, February 14, 2011

My Favorite Cookbooks

My newest addition to my cookbook collections

 I do love cookbooks.  I love to buy them.  I love to rent them from the library.  I love to read them and try new recipes.  I do actually get most of my recipes now from the internet - mostly blogs and or, but I still love to hold cookbooks in my hand.

I have some cookbooks that I only use a few recipes from but I don't want to part with them.  I have a few that I rarely use but feel like I might someday such as the Sneaky Chef, Deceptively Delicious and Once a Month Cooking.

I do actually only keep the cookbooks that fit into my little cabinet above my stove.  If I get more than will fit in my cabinet, then out one of them goes.

I keep A LOT of recipes in my two three-ring binders.  I have the white one which contains mostly freezer friendly recipes.  My green one contains all of my recipes.  I three whole punch some and I put some in plastic sleeves.

I have my home preservation books as well.  I love my Ball Blue Book of Canning and my Home Preserving.

Although by far my most favorite cookbook that I have is my Little House Cookbook.  I love this book.  I could read the recipes over and over again.  It is so wonderfully written.

Today my sweet husband bought me three new cookbooks at Half Price Books.  I found The Original Fannie Farmer 1896 Cook Book (The Boston Cooking School) and I cannot wait to read it!

I also purchased The Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day since I have already renewed it from the library twice.

Finally, I bought Putting Food By because I have heard such good things about it.

I have my Rival Crock Pot cookbook and my church cook book from my husband's home church.

I also have one guilty pleasure cookbook - Skinny Italian.  I bought it after I saw that she canned over 100 cans of tomato sauce and was just curious about it.  Turns out it is a very interesting book with several good recipes although I can't completely recommend it.

And finally, I love the book Super Baby Food.  It is a great book for how to start out feeding babies although I think it could be organized better, but it is not just a baby food book.  It has a lot of great homemade recipes for snacks and other things.

Again, I don't always rely on my cookbooks but I like knowing they are there.  How about you?  What are some of your favorite cookbooks?


  1. You're a kindred spirit, Gretchen :)

  2. I'm the same way, Gret. Can't get enough cookbooks, but nowadays get the majority of my recipes from the internet!

  3. I'm the same way, Gretchen. Binders, church cookbooks--can't get enough of 'em. But nowadays I'm afraid it's quicker to go straight to the internet for anything I decide to make!

  4. I recently had to clean out a ton of cookbooks. They were taking over my life. My faves are my Mayberry cookbook, Betty Crocker's Healthy New Choices and any of my Susan Branch books.
    LOVE cookbooks!

  5. We have a copy of The Joy of Cooking here. That is one of my faves, along with The Betty Crocker Cookbook both of which were hubby's grandmothers.

    I also LOVE The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book which changed my life!


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