
Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine

I don't talk about my husband nearly enough (he doesn't like me to talk about him a lot).
But for me he is THE ONE!

He is the one who gets the oil changed in the van so I can drive the kids around to our errands.
He is the one who goes to work to make money so I can stay home with our kids.
He is the one who pays the bills and makes sure our lights stay on and that we have heat in the winter.
He is the one who mows the yard in the summer and shovels the snow in the winter.
He is the one who takes the trash cans to the curb each and every Tuesday.
He is the one who gives the kids baths when I can't do one more thing.
He is the one who encourages some of my crazy ideas.
He is the one who knows when something may be too much and advises me wisely about it.
He is the one who appreciates all the hard work that I do to make meals for our family.
He is the one who comforts me when things don't go well.
He is the one who tells me I'm beautiful when I'm not feeling very beautiful.
He is the one who texts "I love you" to me several times a day.
He is the one who loves me in spite of myself:)
He is the one for me and I am so thankful for him!

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