
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week in Review - Bees, Pumpkins and lots of Corn

Well hello, it is that time again - time for another Week in Review update.  I'm not sure if I shared with you why I am doing these.  There are a few reasons.  1.)  I have several family members that read this blog (some from far away) and I like to be able to update them with what we are doing and provide them with pictures.  2.)  Every year I make a family yearbook on Shutterfly (don't forget to enter my Shutterfly give-a-way!).  This year I have been pretty faithful to blog what we are doing every week which will make putting together our 2011 Family Yearbook a lot easier.

This is why I do our weekly reviews.  I hope you enjoy them too.

Here is all of the kids doing their "writing" - one of the first things we do in the morning

We took a really fun field trip a bee farm.  It was so neat to learn so much about bees.  They are amazing creatures.  We did learn that the girl bees do all the work and the boy bees' main job was to mate with the queen - no comment.
We had a picnic afterwards with Ma's family.
And here we are with our other friend's.    The two tallest kids have this intense relationship.  It contains some love and a lot of aggression.  Here it is mostly love with some hard squeezing.   They are pretty entertaining.

And I had to include this picture.  Are you shocked they are all boys?

Yesterday we went to our Friday morning Bible study group and my friend Angel made it into a little party for her son.  This is the kids putting on their funny glasses from the gift bags.  And in their bags were these little flutes.  Yes, she sent them home with us.  And I was able to hear the music genius of my children all the way home.  I did take Tylenol before we left.

And last night we went to a local farm that always has lots of fun activities for the kids.  It was a bit chilly but we still managed to have fun.

We love the corn bin, well most of us do.

Corn angel!

Now that is a pumpkin!

Our little maid a' milking

Here is the cow train.  Choo Choo
 And that's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. We had a lot of fun, and DIDN'T get lost on the way home:)


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