
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Menu Plan - 5.12.13

I have tried so many different things when it comes to our grocery shopping (and budget).    I've tried extreme couponing.  I've tried avoiding the grocery store.  I've done menu planning and cooking from scratch.  I've joined Costco's and Sam's.

It is kind of like me to try and try and try until I find something that works.  My goals are to buy as much natural or organic food as I can for the best price that I can.  I am trying this Once a Month Shopping.    I first read about it here.  Of course I like to shop by the pantry principle which is a list of things I keep on hand and I just buy from that when I run out which is why this should work for me.  I'll talk more about the process later this week and as the month goes on to see how this will work for us.  You know me - I have a menu plan of course - and it is for a month.  I am going to link it here for you so you can use it too.  It has a lot of links too!

Want my menu?  Here you go. Just click on the picture.

Here are my totals so far!

Sam's Club:  $217.70
Meijer:  $201.76
Weekly Organic Produce delivery:  $35
Weekly Milk delivery:  $13

Goats Milk Stuff – 3 bars and deodorant - $35.39

Total for the month (So far):   $502.85

Here is my weekly menu:



  • PB & J, fruit and veggies
  • Leftovers  
  • Mini pizzas and carrots 
  • Beans and Rice and fruit


Check out more menus at Menu Plan Monday. I hope you have a blessed week!


  1. I feel like I have tried so many ways of meal planning/grocery shopping. I can't find "the" one that works for me!

  2. @mommybee
    Oh I know! I have tried so many methods for years but since I shop by having a stocked pantry I can have the meals that I like. I go through phases but I have liberty to plan things because I keep the kitchen stocked up. At least every Sunday night I try to plan something for the week. It is hard though I know!


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