
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Menu Plan - 9.15.13

There were a few things we didn't have last week that I am repeating.  I want to try some of this lady's freezer to slow cooker recipes too!


  • PB & J, fruit and veggies
  • Leftovers  
  • Snacky lunch


  • Comfort Night - We got chicken again - I had a Groupon
  • Italian Night - French Bread Pizzas and spinach salad
  • Meatless/Breakfast Night - Chickless Pot Pie and steamed veggies
  • Mexican Night - Taco Soup and cornbread  
  • Soup Night - Chicken and Corn Chowder and spinach salad (I will obviously change this up as I don't keep a lot of these things on hand.)
  • Pizza Night - Pizza (going to try this recipe for crust this week), salad and fruit smoothies
  • Leftover Buffet or stir fry with whatever leftover meat we have

Check out more menus at Menu Plan Monday. I hope you have a blessed week!

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