Having just made some applesauce over the weekend, I thought I would share a few tips to make things go faster.
This is a re-post from last year, but I thought it was timely considering we are coming into apple season.
This is what I did.
I washed the apples in cold water. Here is where the tip comes in – I slice off the very bottom of the apple to make the apple sit straight. I then use my apple wedger
I throw the slices (with water) into a pot and cook them until they are soft. **Now you could also throw the slices into your slow cooker and add enough water to fill 1/4 to 1/2 the slow cooker. Then turn on low and let them heat overnight and make your applesauce in the morning. This makes it easier if you have a lot of apples and are really tired like I was. Then run it through your food mill and out comes pink applesauce.
And do you have time for a quick story here? My friend Kelly once told me that she was so embarassed when she took her mom’s homemade applesauce to school because it was pink and no one else had pink applesauce. Now they color applesauce all kinds of colors so kids in school today probably would think that pink applesauce is cool. I know I do.
Moving on, I then follow directions from here to can my applesauce.
And just in case you were wondering, I highly recommend homemade pink applesauce.
Although this year we used green apples (because they were free) and my daughter said, "Oh, I wanted the pink applesauce."
Please visit:Tammy’s Recipes for more kitchen tips
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace
Tasty Tuesday
I can't wait to make some applesauce...food mill or not, I shall pravail! :)
ReplyDeleteI think I should spell check my comments.
ReplyDeleteI like that you have left the skin on your apples - that is such a nutritious way to make applesauce! Plus there's no peeling :-)