
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - 1.30.11

Menus - they are a small part of my "A Place for Everything and Everything in it's place" routine.  If I don't have a menu then I don't have a plan and if I don't have a plan then we end up eating whatever and usually spending more money and that stresses me out.

Also, I have simplified my grocery shopping process meaning I don't really go to the grocery store.  I have almost quit using coupons (I still use them occasionally).  The way I really like to do things is to keep my pantry stocked and then I can make whatever I need to whenever I need to.

I use Sam's Club Click n Pull for several items such as - flour, olive oil, sugar, brown sugar, some spices, etc.  I use Amazon Mom's Program for diapers and wipes when they are on sale and I get free two day shipping so its a win, win!  I buy my beef in bulk and I buy whole chickens and turkeys when they are on sale and on occasion I buy a big ham when it is on sale (so I've only bought a ham once, but it worked well).

For produce I try to get it at my bi-weekly Trader Joe's shopping trip but my husband has been picking it up for me on his way home from work when we have run out lately.  I do use our canned and frozen produce a lot as well.

Of course we do have to get milk, eggs and bread weekly although sometimes we can make it two weeks.  I try to keep potatoes always on hand because there is so much you can do with them. 

I just get so stressed out when I use coupons and do the match ups.  It makes me very cranky and I don't want to spend that much time on it.  I know it is successful and enjoyable for some people but my brain just does not work like that.  Plus, three kids and me at the grocery does not a good time make.

Oh, but I cannot forget Aldi I shop there too sometimes.  Yes, I do actually, on occasion, enter a grocery store but I don't do my main shopping there.

Oatmeal, blueberries and sliced almonds
Whole Wheat English Muffin, Peanut butter and banana
Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
Blueberry Crumb Muffins

Sandwiches and apples
PB & J and applesauce

Slow Cook Down Home Cube Steak and Gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn and Buttery Bread Machine Rolls  (friends coming over) - using cube steak instead of pork chops as the recipe calls for, and I will use my own homemade stock - I haven't bought chicken stock in a lonnnnnnnnng time

Red Bean Stew, brown rice and Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day


Three Cheese Garlic Chicken, Green beans and garlic bread

Mini Meatloaves, freezer fries and green beans

Pizza - BBQ Chicken Pizza or Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Sloppy Joes Pizza 


Breakfast for dinner - Whole Wheat Waffles or Biscuits and Gravy

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