Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week in Review (a little late) - First day of school pictures (also a little late)

Are you noticing a theme here - late?  Well, I am a little late in actually taking first day of school pictures because for my homeschoolers we started about three weeks ago but for my girl - she did just recently start going half day to our local Montessori school.  I took pictures of her and decided to take pics of all the kids (plus my nephew).

He HATES getting his picture taken, but he LOVES his little wrestlers that he plays with so I had to kind of threaten to put up his wrestlers if he didn't let me take his picture and this is what I got.  

Now this guy was very cooperative.

And here is my nephew - also very cooperative.

And here is the gang.

After we were done little miss decided to do some more poses.  She's hilarious.

School Stuff

 Here he is doing a history craft.

 They all are doing handwriting.

 And now they are all cutting something.

These two have been enjoying the fall sensory bin.

We started to do a few school things with my pre-K boy.  This is a Montessori inspired tray - practical life - hand washing.

 They are doing some lapbooking while listening to their history lesson.

And these moments are rare - but the big boy is reading to his sisters.  It started out with him just reading to the little one and then the bigger sister came over and he didn't want to read to her but I made him so this picture is a bit deceiving.

Life Stuff

This is why I am not posting as much - my laptop is baroke - broke people.  Here I am trying to copy files off of it while using the desk top monitor.  Have I told you how much I love computers?

This wee one is doing all sorts of new tricks.

And we canned another mess of green beans with my friend this week.

And here the baby is reading about chickens.

And here she is playing with cups.

And here she is in baby jail so mommy can get a few things done.

My daughter had another sleep over.  It wasn't intentional it just happened.  Like at first it was one girl and then two others.  They had fun and the boys went to my friends house so it was all girls!

I found this at a garage sale!  It is really suppose to be for kitchen utensils but whatever.

 They told me to take this picture because they were eating something healthy.

My church puts on movies in the park as an outreach three times during the summer (or two).  Anyway this time our praise band sang and they are AMAZING!  It was like we were at a concert.

I invited lots of peeps.  Here is one of my favorite peeps - me and my cousin.

And here is our daughters.

And I like these two peeps too - my friend's girls - face painted.

My niece found a bunny.  I didn't want to touch it.

My daughter decided to do crafts and I decided to tell her she couldn't actually do anything until she cleared off a space to do them.

 Well, that was our week.  How was yours?



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