Thursday, May 8, 2008

The World of Blogging

I am obviously new to the world of blogging and to say the least, I am a bit overwhelmed. For the entire 8 years of my marriage I really had never clipped coupons, but my grocery budget was rarely over $250.00 a month. Of course, for the first 5 years it was just the two of us. It did probably get a little higher after my son was born and now my daughter is here, but I still keep it under the $250.00. Now, I don’t include restaurants/eating out in my grocery budget so I don’t know if that makes a difference. After reading these blogs I was feeling like I had to go out and get every deal out there. Then I read one of Money Saving Mom’s blogs and I felt better. I am trying to simplify my life. In fact, before this couponing thing started, I had almost figured out a way to rarely enter a grocery store.

I was having organic fresh fruit and vegetables and milk delivered to me. It was so nice. So I only went to the grocery store once every two weeks or so to get pasta and some toiletries. I definitely spent less this way even though I was paying a little more for my organic groceries.

It can get a little overwhelming, but like everything, do it in moderation and you don’t always have to tell people what you paid for stuff. They really don’t care all that much (unless they are couponing as well and then it is okay).

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