Monday, July 21, 2008

Kitchen tip Tuesday . . . What to do with all that produce!

First of all, take a look at my cute little watermelon. I am so excited to actually get one. We will see how they do.

Anyway, you may be wondering what to do with the vegetables that are now coming up in your garden or the vegetables that you got from your local produce stand. There is a great website called It gives you ideas of what to do with certain vegetables and how to freeze them and can them. It even tells you how and when to pick your vegetables.

I personally have been growing green peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and watermelons. We have been getting zucchini and cucumbers lately.

What I usually do with zucchini is just wash them and then slice them and grill them in a foil packet with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. So what do you do with your extra produce?

Please visit Tammy's Recipes for more Kitchen tips.


  1. Thanks for the great website link. I've been given a lot of yellow squash lately and was wondering if I could freeze it. If I get extra zucchini I shred it and freeze it for bread, cake, muffins, etc. throughout the year.

  2. I just got back from vacation. I now have a counter full of tomatoes and melons. It is great to have so much. I freeze my extra green and jalapeno peppers. We also give a lot of stuff away. I love having all the extra garden produce this time of year.

  3. What a cute baby watermelon!

    I haven't had an abundance of veggies yet but hope my tomatoes will ripen nicely. I'll probably make salsa out of them if I have enough.

    I'm going to make squash casserole tonight with my yellow squash. Cucumbers are so good we've been eating them as soon as we pick them.

    Have you checked ? That site is huge and you can search using any ingredient you wish. I found tons of squash recipes there.

  4. We have been getting alot of zucchini and yellow squash lately. Monday I scraped the seeds out and stuffed them like a stuffed pepper (same ingredients)then baked them in the oven. Tuesday we grilled them, brush with oil sprinkle salt and pepper place on top rack of grill for no more than 3 minutes. Tonight we are sauteing them in butter, a little white wine, garlic, onion salt and pepper to taste. The rest I'm going to make zucchini pickles.

  5. Thanks for the link. I truly am amazed at your green thumb. Growing vegies is something I want/need to get into.

  6. I would like to sell my extra produce. Put a sign by the driveway and see what happens.


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