Last Week's Goals:
Mothering Goals
1. Consistently work on Bible memory verse and read the kids Bible story everyday. -Still needs work
2. Work on watching less TV during school hours. Try to keep it off until 3pm. This is more of a mom issue than a kid issue. Too easy for me to use it for the little ones while I homeschool the big one. - Did this for the first couple of days and then I did not do well. Keeping it on the list.
Personal Goals
3. Walk 3 miles a day 5 days a week. - I did MUCH better this week with doing 4 out of 5 days.
4. Wake up at least an hour before the kids to accomplish some exercise and quiet time. - Did not happen.
Home Management Goals
6. Make homemade bread for the week. - Nope
7. Wash, line dry, fold, & put away one load of laundry every day. (I am not very consistent with the putting away). - Ack, I cannot get this one down. I am trying to make it a habit.
9. Make labels for school stuff and kids clothes. - Again, did not happen.
Ministry Goals
10. Being consistent in praying for my husband and children DAILY. - Still working on being consistent.
11. Find ways to serve with the kids. Specifically this week - take a meal to a friend who is close to having a baby. Going to try again this week. - Taking it on Tuesday!
This week's goals:
Mothering Goals
1. Consistently work on Bible memory verse and read the kids Bible story everyday.
2. Work on watching less TV during school hours. Try to keep it off until 3pm. This is more of a mom issue than a kid issue. Too easy for me to use it for the little ones while I homeschool the big one.
Personal Goals
3. Walk 3 miles a day 5 days a week and keep a food journal.
4. Simplify my wardrobe. Pare it down and make sure I can make outfits with the pieces I have. Using this for inspiration.
Home Management Goals
5. Buy apples or see if I can pick some and make applesauce and apple butter and apple pie filling.
6. Can Chicken Corn Soup.
7. Wash, fold and put away one load of laundry every day. (I am not very consistent with the putting away). - I really want to take this off the list but I can't seem to get it done.
8. Try making two new homemade snacks.
9. Make labels for school stuff.
Ministry Goals
10. Being consistent in praying for my husband and children DAILY.
11. Find more ways to serve with the kids.
12. Write two encouraging notes this week, one to a missionary from our church. Have the kids also write a note or draw a picture to include.
What goals do need to accomplish this week?

Putting laundry away is something that we have struggled with here too, but we do ok now (most of the time!). I have 2 kids (13 and 11) and they are responsible for doing their own laundry which is hung to dry on drying racks in their rooms - if they choose to put it away, fine. If not, at least the clean clothes aren't on the floor mixed in with the dirty! I do the laundry for my husband and I, as well as all household laundry (towels, sheets, etc). These all get hung as well and I like to fluff them in the dryer for a few minutes before folding. A couple years ago I started folding laundry on my BED - it motivates me to get that cleaned off so I can just climb in at bedtime. I put my husband's folded laundry on his pillow and he typically puts it away :) Just thought I'd share how we do it in case something helps you!