First Priority: Put a monthly date on the calendar for a Family Service Night
Without further ado here is our list:
Serve at home: make each other’s beds, clean up someone else’s mess
Save loose change in a jar and give to a needy family at Christmas
Buy restaurant gift cards and distribute to the homeless on street corners.
Gather items to give to our local women's shelter
Pay for someone’s drink in Starbuck’s drive-thru. Make sure your kids enjoy the act of kindness.
Write to our sponsored child through World Vision.
One per Month:
1. Create snack packs for Ronald McDonald residents or make a meal
2. Make a baby care kit for a baby in need
3. Make relief kits for disaster relief victims
4. Write letters to servicemen
5. Collect pencils for African children
6. Make a Care Bag for a child in need
7. Fill Action Packs for the persecuted church (via Voice of the Martyrs).
8. Collect items (food and non-food) to give to Wheeler Mission
9. Send a Get Well Soon card to a hospitalized child.
10. Make preemie hats for my cousin's NICU project (kids can help cut out fabric)
11. Participate in Operation Christmas Child and pick two ornaments (people) to buy for from our local Wheeler Mission at our church.

One of our FAVORITE service projects is on April 1. Instead of April Fool's Day, we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day. We just go out and find any creative way we can share kindness. Last year we went through drive thrus and paid for the next person in line, bought flowers and took them around to neighbors that were lonely (a large section in our neighborhood is mostly elderly), leaving quarters in the machines at the laundrymat, going in to the $5 pizza place and leaving $5 bills, etc.. Adriana and some of her friends decided to do this on a random day in the summer and took bubbles to the park and handed them out to all of the kids. It has just really become a day that the kids look forward to with anticpation. We try to do something every month as well. I love some of the ideas that were listed in the blog post.