Wednesday, September 5, 2012

10 Goals for this Week

I am finally back into making some goals and actually accomplishing them.  After selling our house and then finding out we didn't sell our house and having baby #4, I am finally feeling like we can get into a routine again.

This week's goals:

Mothering Goals
1. Work on having the kids do their own quiet times before they leave their room in the morning.
2. Work on having the kids get their morning chores done without much help or reminders from me.

Personal Goals
3. Do 100 squats everyday (for a Facebook challenge I am doing).
4.  Memorize one verse a week consistently.

Home Management Goals
5. Keep the "one load of laundry a day" consistent.
6. Be consistent about using our Daily to do/chore charts.
7. Set up a library for the kids in the boys room and make this crate seat.
8. Make English muffin pizzas and quesadillas for the freezer for lunches.

Ministry Goals
9. Schedule a time for next week to help someone. 
10. Write two encouraging notes this week.

I will be doing this list using my M.I.T. (most important tasks) and my daily docket.   I also have made up a chore chart/daily to do list for myself to use.  If it is written down and I can cross it off then it is more likely to get done.  I hate the have to think of what I have to do each day.

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