They are practicing their writing |
Miss M doing her number tracing page |
And we actually did something fun this week. We did a camping day.
Here is our fishing game (one of our busy bag activities) |
My sister got into our tent but she would not let me take a picture of her |
Here we are telling non-scary scary stories and "roasting" mini marshmallows over our campfire |
Close up of our campfire that the kids made (I helped) - instructions from here |
Another reason I think school went better is because I was more organized. I have a somewhat of a reluctant learner in my older son. He does not love school, but he is doing so much better this year than last year. One-on-one is good for him. This week I decided to finally take my workbox system to the next level and actually use it as it was intended. I structured it pretty much exactly like Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Although, I am interested in getting something different than these carts because the drawers are awful. If you think of anything I can use instead let me know.
Each drawer has a number and I put each subject in each drawer. For instance, #1 is Bible, #2 is writing and so on. |
As he finishes his papers, I have him put them into a tray on the desk for me to go through at the end of the day (or week).
This has helped him focus and also gives him something to look forward to. It also helps that he can just go and get things to work on and I then help him as he needs it. Some subjects he can do on his own (such as writing) and others he needs me to help with.
Each night after the kids go to bed I check over what needs to be done for the next day and just put the correct worksheets and books into each workbox. I love it! I have one for my preschooler too and her's works much the same way only she loves school so she will keep working through her workboxes.
Here are the printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler that I used:
- My Schedule Strip, Subject Cards and Number Cards
- Blank Workbox Numbers (with space for you to add your own images)
- Workbox Planning Worksheet
Check out Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see how other families school week is going.

I'm always so impressed with moms who use workbooks--so much organization required. Glad to hear it is working so well with your son.