Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Menu Plan - 11.14.12

Oh wow I am super late posting my menu.  I am not really cooking too much this week.  In fact my sister walked in last night and asked me what was for supper and I said, "I'm not sure."  And she had a shocked look on her face and said, "I'm not used to that - you always know what's for supper." And then we got Chinese food.  Yep, it is that kind of week and I'm okay with it because it doesn't happen very often.

Menu Plan

I keep breakfast and lunches simple.  I do some things on the weekend to make it easier for the week. I try to serve smoothies with breakfast or at least sometime between breakfast and lunch.



  • PB & J, fruit and veggies
  • Leftovers  
  • Mini pizzas and carrots 
  • Beans and Rice and fruit


Hope you have a great week!  And check out more menu plans at Menu Plan Monday.

1 comment:

  1. So, I have to ask...maybe I have missed it you cook for Thanksgiving? The whole meal, bird, etc? And how many Thanksgiving feasts does your family do? I have ordered our bird, but am way behind on the planning.


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